About HaShomer HaChadash:

A Zionist social-educational organization with the goal of safeguarding Israeli land, assisting farmers and ranchers as well as strengthening the Jewish people’s connections to the land, Jewish values and Zionist identity. HaShomer’s broad range of activities focus on agricultural volunteering programs alongside educational activities emphasizing the value of work, mutual responsibility, civic courage and love of the land.

Find out more at: https://eng.hashomer.org.il/

About WCJE
(World Center for Jewish Education):

The World Center for Jewish Education was founded with the goal of strengthening Jewish education around the world through professional educational tools with an appreciation for Jewish identity and Jewish values. As part of its activities, WCJE boasts a team of seasoned tourism specialists for planning and developing trips to Israel and sites of Jewish interest around the world. For the past 18 years, WCJE has had a successful track record of planning and managing hundreds of tour group with over 4,000 students attending.

Find out more at: https://jewisheducation.net/